MissHezah | Billfold: Teenage Dreams & Abercrombie
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Billfold: Teenage Dreams & Abercrombie

Your Amazing Presentation

Billfold: Teenage Dreams & Abercrombie

I wrote a personal essay about my undying teenage love for and adult disillusion with Abercombie & Fitch for The Billfold.

“Abercrombie & Fitch. I loved saying it. The name alone sounded cool and, you have to remember, this was before every store and restaurant became ampersand happy. LFO sang about loving girls who wore Abercrombie & Fitch because it was the epitome of their perfect girl. She was everything on the WB teen drama lineup I wanted to be: smart, fun, athletic, reserved, flirty and, of course, wealthy. You had to be to afford a closet full of A&F, which is something I quickly realized after I dragged my mother to the nearest location at the South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa for the first time.”


July 24, 2015


Freelance Writing