MissHezah | Storytelling
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Internet Friendz

Joined by my real life English internet friend, author and podcaster, Emma Gannon, I conceived, produced, and co-hosted the Internet Friendz storytelling show at UCB ...

How We Got Here

I came up with the concept, produced, and hosted a sold-out New Year's storytelling show at UCB....

Tales From The Deep Dark Web

Tales From The Deep Dark Web was a monthly storytelling show at UCB's Inner Sanctum for the first half of 2016 that asks storytellers to come up on stage and tell their most embarrassing, funny, or heartbreaking stories about their online lives. ...

The Moth

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa....

Terrible Twenties Show

On my actual 30th birthday, I produced and hosted a storytelling show at UCB of the same title as my blog as a farewell to my twenties....

How We Got Here: V-Day

I reprised my New Year's "How We Got Here" concept to produce and host a Valentine's Day version that asked storytellers disclose how they got to their current relationship status at UCB. ...